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Types of North Carolina theft crimes

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2019 | Criminal Defense |

Property crime charges such as theft in North Carolina may result in misdemeanor or felony charges depending on the circumstances of the case. Factors include the amount, whether the perpetrator used a weapon and the type of property involved.

Before facing a court date for a North Carolina theft charge, learn more about the types of crimes and the penalties for conviction.

Embezzlement (theft by employees)

If you steal property valued at less than $100 from your employer, you may receive a Class H felony charge, which carries four to 25 months in prison. Amounts above $100 constitute a more serious Class C felony, resulting in 44 to 182 months in prison.

Larceny (property theft)

Stealing property or cash of less than $1,000 is a Class 1 misdemeanor, which carries up to 120 days in jail and an optional fine. For amounts above $1,000, this crime becomes a Class H felony. Other circumstances the court considers an automatic felony include cases where:

  • You have stolen property directly from another individual’s person
  • You have stolen a deadly weapon or explosive device
  • You entered another person’s home to commit theft (burglary)

Larceny of fuel

Stealing gasoline and other types of motor fuel constitutes a Class F felony. This offense carries a sentence of 10 to 41 months in prison.

Receiving stolen property

If you come into possession of stolen goods, you could receive a Class H felony charge if the value involved is more than $1,000. The court will consider whether a reasonable person would have known the status of the goods.

North Carolina assigns a point system to previous offenses. If you receive a new theft conviction, you may receive an increased sentence depending on your number of points. On the other hand, individuals who have no prior convictions may qualify for reduced sentences depending on the facts of the case.

Mitigating factors are positives that work in your favor, such as a willingness to accept responsibility for your crimes. Aggravating factors increase your sentence and may include the age of the victim, the use of a weapon and whether another person paid you to commit the crime.
