There is nothing easy about dealing with DWI charges. You could be left worrying about the legal and administrative penalties as well as how a conviction could affect your future.
On top of the stress, there are also several tasks that individuals facing DWI charges must do. One of the tasks that North Carolina courts often require is the completion of a substance use assessment – but what is that?
An assessment is often required
If individuals face DWI charges, North Carolina law requires them to take a substance use assessment. Depending on the results of this assessment, you might:
- Have to attend a DWI education program
- Participate in a treatment program
These assessments aim to determine if individuals suffer from addiction, as well as if they are at risk of a substance use disorder. Additionally, while these assessments can often be a mitigating factor when it comes to a DWI conviction, they are often still essential if you wish to regain limited driving privileges in certain situations.
What does this assessment involve?
There are specific authorized professionals and organizations who can complete the DWI assessments. Regardless of which provider individuals choose, the assessment generally includes:
- A review of the individual’s driving record
- Review of the relevant court documents
- Analysis of the Breathalyzer and blood tests
- An interview with the individual
- Completion of paperwork and questionnaires
In many cases, the emphasis on treatment for substance use disorders is a positive matter. It can help individuals struggling with such disorders obtain the help they need. Even so, it is still critical that individuals take steps to fight DWI charges.
Mitigating factors and seeking help is important, but a DWI on your record can jeopardize the future you had planned. That is why it is often helpful to seek experienced counsel to understand how to handle these charges effectively and protect your rights.