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Reminder: High risk of DUI arrests around holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2021 | Criminal Defense |

Welcoming the holidays means seeing family, exchanging gifts and enjoying plenty of food and drink. Those drinks are frequently alcoholic as well.

It is no secret that many people drink more alcohol around the holidays. A 2018 study found that individuals drink double the amount of alcohol around the holidays than they do year-round.

However, the increase in drinking has a direct correlation with an increase in drunk driving. Law enforcement knows this, which is why individuals must be aware this holiday season.

More alcohol flowing means more enforcement

Each year, North Carolina launches the “Booze It and Lose It” campaign around the holiday season. According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), this anti-drunk driving campaign is one of the most effective in the nation.

But what does that mean for drivers this holiday season? It generally means they will face:

  • A sharp increase in DUI checkpoints
  • Increased law enforcement on the roads

This campaign generally stretches from mid-December, before Christmas, to a few days after New Year’s.

Celebrating? Be on your guard.

As the holiday season approaches, it is critical to be aware of this risk and prepare – so you can avoid the serious consequences that could come with a DUI charge.

It is particularly important to:

  1. Plan ahead: As many online sources say, if you plan to drink at holiday parties or get-togethers, you should take time to plan ahead. Arrange a sober driver or plan to use a rideshare service to get home.
  2. Understand how checkpoints work: Even if you plan ahead, it is still a good idea to prepare and learn how checkpoints work. For example, while it is not an ordinary traffic stop, you should still only stick to basic information when speaking to the police.
  3. Know your rights: It is always critical to make sure you understand your rights in the event of a traffic stop – and especially in the event of an arrest. Take advantage of your Miranda rights to protect yourself in these situations.

The risk of a DUI should not overshadow your holiday. That is why it is important to be proactive and protect your rights.
