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Frasier & Griffin | Attorneys At Law

Defense Against Health Care Fraud Charges In North Carolina

Health care fraud is a serious problem for a number of reasons. For one thing, the health care system operates with intricate details, billing and accounting practices. Whether fraud occurs deliberately or through sloppy bookkeeping, it typically siphons resources from public sources, such as Medicare, Medicaid, Covid-19 relief funds and others. Thanks to whistleblower protections, theft through health care fraud often comes to light after losses have been significant.

Health care fraud charges are usually named as federal crimes. You may be under investigation or your clinic or medical practice may have been named in criminal charges through a grand jury investigation or any other pathway to prosecution. Frasier & Griffin, PLLC, is a valuable resource for people in the Durham and Raleigh areas and other parts of North Carolina. We are experienced federal crime defense litigators and we are confident that we can help you find your way forward despite these serious charges.

Examples Of Health Care Fraud Crimes

Individual health care providers as well as medical care organizations, such as clinics, often turn to us for counsel when they are accused of federal fraud offenses such as:

  • Billing insurance companies or public entities such as Medicare for services that were not provided
  • Issuing kickbacks to referring doctors or third parties
  • Ordering and charging for unnecessary tests and questionable medical procedures
  • Mingling nonmedical expenses with billing for medical services
  • Double billing
  • Consumer deception, such as falsely portraying doctors as specialists

Patients themselves are sometimes charged, too, after being identified as willing and cooperating deceivers in fraudulent schemes.

If you – a provider or a patient – face any such federal charges, you need to realize how serious your case already is. You need a capable defender on your side as soon as possible.

Let Us Hear From You

We are defense lawyers who have received countless glowing accolades from other clients over the years. We hope to learn about your situation so that we can explain how we can protect your rights. Do not give up before your financial crime charges defense strategy even gets started.

Reach us by phone in Durham or Raleigh at 919-263-5522 or send an email inquiry for a quick response.